
Membership requirements

To become a member of WAF you need to be:

• A student at the Wageningen University.
• Have Sports Rights* from The Bongerd.
• Fill in the “sign up” form of WAF.

Standard Contribution

The costs for being a member of WAF are €25,- for every half year. The contribution term range from September until February and March until August.

This basic contribution includes:

• Access to indoor and outdoor practice 2 times a week
• Access to fun activities
• NFB (National Frisbee Association) membership
• Possibility to join competition and tournaments (extra costs)
• A vote during General Member Assemblies

When signing up a one-time administration fee of €5 euros will be charged. (you have the possibility to earn a free frisbee worth of €10 euros in return!)

Invoices are sent twice a year. One invoice is sent in February for the period September – January. The other is sent in July for the period February – June. Billing will not be automatic, so please transfer the amount due within 30 days after you receive an email about this.

Your membership will be extended automatically every half a year. Information about signing out can be found here.

Extra optional fees

Besides the mandatory standard contribution, there are some separate optional costs: participating in competitions, tournaments, some activities (such as WAF-weekend), Batavierenrace, etc.

• The costs of tournaments vary, but are most of the time €50,- per tournament (Includes diner, breakfast, sleeping place)
• The costs of competition consists of 2 separate costs: A standard €10,- team fee for every competition and a NFB league license of €8,50 every half year.

Want to become a member?

Are you interested in becoming a member of WAF? Come and try a free introduction practice to see if Ultimate Frisbee and WAF is something for you! Don’t need an introduction practice? Sign up immediately with the button below! 

See you on the field! Who let the dogs out? WAF!

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